We are so excited to introduce the Space Connect program!

Space Connect is a transformative initiative from Women’s Circus providing free rehearsal space and open training sessions for both our members and circus professionals, supported by Creative Victoria. 

That’s right – completely free!

For our members:

If you’re one of our current training members and would like to attend open training free of cost, there are weekly sessions available now to book in! You can read more about open training and how to apply HERE.

For circus companies and professionals:

If you’re a circus company or professional, you are able to book exclusive or shared rehearsal space here at Women’s Circus in Footscray, free of any cost. Read more about the Space Connect program and how to apply for rehearsal space HERE. You also have access to weekly open training sessions, and can read more HERE.

Space Connect will run from 10 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. This program is supported by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria. 

Read more and apply for OPEN TRAINING

Read more and apply for REHEARSAL SPACE