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Support Women's Circus

We need your support!

At Women’s Circus, we are being bold. Bold in our vision. Bold in our action. Bold in our ask for support. We are levelling up and we are more determined than ever to champion diversity, amplify marginalised voices, and forge a path towards a more inclusive future. But we cannot do it alone.

We need you, our closest supporters, to help us in our vision of EMPOWERMENT, ACCESS and INCLUSION for our participants. Now is the time.

Donate today, and you’ll be ensuring everyone has equitable access to our social circus programs to enhance their well-being, foster meaningful connections, and ignite their creativity.

Your donation matters. Social circus has the power to transform lives. Your donation will enable us to continue programming and subsidising classes for those that need them most.

Help us to champion equity and inclusion.

Our Equity Fund enables us to reduce financial barriers to participation for those facing multiple and compounding societal disadvantages. Your donation will directly go towards our ability to:

  • Offer free participation in our programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • Provide heavily subsided programs such as Circus Mixtape (for trans and gender diverse people), POW (for people of a marginalised gender over 40) and All Access (for Disabled and neurodiverse young people).
  • Support low-income and unwaged people to participate through concessions priced programs.

Thanks to donors, we can empower people of marginalised genders to shape community and culture through circus. We cannot continue running our low cost and subsidised programs without you. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today. We are deeply appreciative of any amount you are able to give.


How to make a donation:

To make your impact, you can donate directly with the details below, fill out the form on this page, or donate HERE.

Direct deposit: BSB 633 000 / Account Number 153 842 505
Please use put your email in the reference field so we can send you a receipt (and thank you!).

All donations over $2 are tax deductible, and go directly to supporting our life changing circus.

If you’d like to speak with us about your donation, about our circus, or about making your gift monthly or annual, we’d love to chat with you! Please contact or give our friendly team a call on (03) 9687 3665.

Your donation will make a real, positive change to our community. Thank you!



What impact will your donation have?

  • $5000 will support all our subsidised program and our concession places for 3 months.
  • $1000 will support 15 low-income earners to attend 10 social circus classes.
  • $755 provides a completely free place for a First Nations person to join our 6-month New Crew program.
  • $350 provides a completely free place for a First Nations teen to join any of our term classes.
  • $275 provides a completely free place for a First Nations child to join any of our term classes.
  • $175 provides a subsidised place for a trans and gender diverse person to join our Circus Mixtape program for one term.
  • $140 provides a subsidised place for young d/Deaf, Disabled or neurodiverse person to join our All-Access program for one term.
  • $90 provides a subsidised place for a person over 40 to join our POW class for one term.

Your support is a lifeline. We cannot continue to run our low cost programs without you, and we are so grateful for your support.


Donate now



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