Women’s Circus sends a huge congratulations to the Momentum team and all the organisers involved in the Alter State program launch on Thursday 21 July at Arts Centre Melbourne. 


Image left to right: Vivienne Halat, Tarn Scully, Dr Melinda Smith OAM, Anso Swann Biguet & Emma J Hawkins at the launch of Alter State Festival (Photo: Kate Disher-Quill)

Alter State showcases performances, workshops and talks & ideas that celebrate disability, creativity and culture from Australia and Aotearoa (New Zealand).

Seeding something unique for arts and disability, the Alter State 2022 festival program invites audiences to gather, be curious, and connect with disabled artists across a range of in person and online events.

Alter State Festival: 12 September –  9 October 2022

Read about the festival launch and interview with Momentum Co-Director Jo Dunbar in The Age.

See the Inclusive Ensemble performing at the Alter State program launch on ABC news.

View Alter State Program.